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I was horrified to find myself without access to cPanel, FTP, and my hosting account today. Fortunately, a Google search connected me with this plugin, which allowed me to backup my entire site by using the WordPress interface.
While exporting to your computer is free, exporting to a cloud will cost you $79.
After exporting, I attempted an import on a dummy site to make sure it worked, and found that it worked flawlessly. The only thing is, if your site is over half a gigabyte, it will cost you $59 to do a restore. And if you have a multisite installation, you’re looking at $179.
But also factor in the value of your time and data. I think that the price structuring is fair given the quality. Just know that going in, so that you can make an informed decision for your backup method.
Thank you All-in-One WP Migration! I will sleep better tonight, and make backups more regularly now that it’s so easy!