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I noticed today that our Bento theme is generating the following CSS in the bento-theme-styles-inline-css section on posts:
.post-header-title h1,
.entry-header h1 {
color: ;
.post-header-subtitle {
color: #999999;
.site-content {
background-color: ;
This is obviously invalid. It looks like it comes from bento_insert_custom_styles()
on line 413 of functions.php:
if ( is_singular() || ( is_home() && 'page' == get_option( 'show_on_front' ) ) ) {
$custom_css .= '
.post-header-title h1,
.entry-header h1 {
color: '.esc_html( get_post_meta( $postid, 'bento_title_color', true ) ).';
.post-header-subtitle {
color: '.esc_html( get_post_meta( $postid, 'bento_subtitle_color', true ) ).';
.site-content {
background-color: '.esc_html( get_post_meta( $postid, 'bento_page_background_color', true ) ).';
Presumably this should be checking if the post_meta items it retrieves are empty and only including the relevant CSS if not?