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I installed my SSL and my host site shows:
Installed. DNS Update Completed
Your SSL certificate has been installed on your domain.
Your IP address is:
Your secure URL is:
I changed the names in Settings – General to https:// and it I got CFN#0005 and the site wouldn’t work. Because I couldn’t get into wp-admin anymore I had to go into my config file and force it with:
Now it worked and I could get back into my admin but the names in Settings – General are now greyed out and I can’t change anything. If I take out the ‘define’ code in congig.php I go back to getting CFN#0005.
It’s a total mess and I’m so frustrated.
I’m not showing actual domain because last time I did that on here my client got tons of spam saying they saw their post on a forum and could help them. If you think you can help I will message you the domain.
Thank you!