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We have some members who are displayed publicly in our trainer directory whereas others are only site members privately. From the trainer directory, you can click on the individual profile and will be sent to the user page where the individual profile of the trainer is shown in greater detail. Trainers are listed with their first and last name. When you are on the user page it is possible to put in any user name e.g http://www.mywebsite/user/anyusername or e.g. https://www.mywebsite/user/first+lastname (possible format in UM) and the profile (which is supposed to be private) will also show up even if this person is not part of the trainer directory.
I have set people up so that they do not have Ultimate Member directory or role i.e. just subscribers, register people in a different role, make individual profiles private, renamed user page to something else,etc. but it doesn’t seem to make a distance,….you could still get the a profile on anyone on the website if you enter either the user name or first+last name on the user page. This is a problem because of data protection. Does anyone have an idea on what I could do here to really hide certain users from appearing at all. Thanks in advance for any assistance.