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Hello, I am overburdened with multiple problems that I need to deal with all at once, I am wondering if someone would take on a small project for me?
I have my SMS Text messages saved into XML files. I would like a way to take an XML file, and populate WordPress Posts with them. Including the date, the time, and the Person sent to and from. I know what I want, it could be dumped right into the WordPress MySQL database if need be, skipping WordPress as a PHP Program altogether. Thank you for anyone who wants to invest some time.
Example XML Entry:
<sms protocol=”0″ address=”6045551460″ date=”1452638845339″ type=”2″ subject=”null” body=”Mental Health was just here.” toa=”null” sc_toa=”null” service_center=”null” read=”1″ status=”-1″ locked=”0″ date_sent=”0″ readable_date=”Jan 12, 2016 2:47:25 PM” contact_name=”Mark Griswald” />
Thank you again.