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Hello, I have a small blog (hosted on Hostgator) which is running 4.7.1. I only have one plug in (MOJO marketplace) and that is kept updated. The theme is Absolum which I have used since the blog was set up.
My problem is that quite often when I try and login, the site won’t accept my details and the only way to get into my site is by resetting the password. That has been a nuisance for a while now, but I didn’t let it worry me to much. The problem I am having now, is that I have set up a new admin for my site so my PA can do some of my work for me. Unfortunately the login details are only working on some browsers.
I use Opera (which may be why I am having problems.) I have tried the new login on Chrome (no), Vivaldi (no), IE (an American friend tried that and he said it worked), Firefox (yes on Windows, no on Mac), Safari (No) and Edge (yes). My PA uses a Mac – can anyone suggest a browser she could use to access my site? I don’t understand why it works on some browsers and not on others.
Thank you for your time.