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I must first commend the excellent work the Speed of Light team has done on this plugin. I can tell it’s stable and you used a design oriented philosophy for the user interface.
But more importantly, it’s the only caching plugin that does both page and browser caching with optimization for HTML/JS/CSS that does not break my site when all features that I mention are on doing what they are supposed to do (requiring me to spend hours removing plugins and then fixing my site to get it back like with other caching plugins, thus why I search far and wide for a caching plugin that took a new approach to the regular plugins which I believe have stability issues). Good work all round.
Now onto questions and suggestions for making the tool better.
If the HTML/JS/CSS optimization (minification, consolidation, defer JS parsing, etc.) are all on, why does is GTMetrix still say there are several JS and CSS files that should be Inline? It also says there are a couple JS files than can defer parsing to improve the page load/render performance. It also says the are several JS and CSS that could be minified. Because of this, I can’t get a high score on GTMetrix like I could with W3TC. Also, with W3TC I could get the http requests down to 32 on the home page. With Speed of Light the http requests are 60. So there’s a big difference on the ability of Speed of Light for page load optimization vs W3TC.
The Page Caching and Browser caching seem to both perform well though. My site is fast, though I think there is room for improvement on the load time to extremely fast.
That’s the questions and feedback on the HTML/JS/CSS optimization, page caching, and browser caching. The optimization could use some significant performance improvement, but if it’s at the expense of making it hit or miss that the plugin will break my site, then keep doing what you’re doing as it is now.
The last comment is a feature request, but again, not at the expense of making the plugin buggy like many of the others.
I’ve paired your caching plugin with “CDN Enabler” from KeyCDN. They work together great. It would be great if you could take what KeyCDN has done on their WordPress CDN Integration tool and build a solid CDN integration feature into your page caching function that has 99.99% stability and simplicity.
If you could achieve the above and not have a site break when I have page caching, browser caching, with HTML/JS/CSS optimization that rivals what I can get using W3TC, and have CDN integration that works 100% (meaning every file that should be on the CDN gets it’s url rewritten in the page build phase to use the CDN, not the case with several CDN integration plugins) I think you could have a million downloads active plugin.
If would be great to get a 6 months out view of your plans for the plugin.
Thanks for your help and time.