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Greetings and pardon the interruption.
Disclaimer: I’m really new at all this.
My goal is to provide multiple site hosting on my current VPS accounts. After reading and watching various tutorials, I do not think Multisite is the proper choice for what I want to do. These sites will be commercial, some with e-commerce, some with databases I want to keep separate, etc.
I have WP installed in my public_html directory and am attempting to also install it in corresponding subdirectories (not subdomains) for each site. I create the databases and users in the cPanel MySQL wizard and manually install WP to the subdirectory. Everything appears to install normally. The problems start when I try to install themes. Errors appear during installation of themes or their demo data. For example, “Failed to import product_type external”, or “Failed to import product_type grouped”. Without proper installation, the theme is broken with certain menus or options not available.
I’ve found plenty of tutorials on installing Multisite, but nothing on what I want to do. I’ve also found tutorials on installing WP into a subdirectory, but not multiple subdirectories. (If anyone can recommend a good tutorial I’d love to see it.)
Given these circumstances, do I need to move the root install to a subdirectory? If I have multiple installs, to I need to update the any of the config files in root? Is this a permissions problem or more of a links/permalink issue?
Thanks for the help.