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This is the warning after activating simple history today.
Warning: sprintf(): Too few arguments in C:\xampp\htdocs\Ben Zwart\wp-content\plugins\simple-history\inc\SimpleHistory.php on line 1363
Warning: sprintf(): Too few arguments in C:\xampp\htdocs\Ben Zwart\wp-content\plugins\simple-history\inc\SimpleHistory.php on line 1373
The line starting with “wp_enqueue_script” is line 1363
The php lines look like this:
// Only enqueue if locale-file exists on file system
if ( file_exists( sprintf( $locale_dir_path, $locale ) ) ) {
wp_enqueue_script( ‘timeago-locale’, sprintf( $locale_url_path, $locale ), array(“jquery”), ‘1.5.2’, true );
} else {
wp_enqueue_script( ‘timeago-locale’, sprintf( $locale_url_path, “en” ), array(“jquery”), ‘1.5.2’, true );
// end add timeago
// Load Select2 locale
$locale_url_path = SIMPLE_HISTORY_DIR_URL . ‘js/select2/select2_locale_%s.js’;
$locale_dir_path = SIMPLE_HISTORY_PATH . ‘js/select2/select2_locale_%s.js’;
if ( file_exists( sprintf( $locale_dir_path, $locale ) ) ) {
wp_enqueue_script( ‘select2-locale’, sprintf( $locale_url_path, $locale ), array(“jquery”), ‘3.5.1’, true );
More info:
My name: Ben Zwart
My Dashboard in WP: http://localhost/Ben%20Zwart/wp-admin/index.php
Windows 8, XAMPP v3.2.2, Apache server, MySQL database