I have UPDATED this original post and hence the 5-star rating. But I will leave this original post on case someone has similar problems
On May 19 I rushed to purchase the Full Text RSS bundle (with Feed to Post and keyword filtering) for some $140 (a king's ransom considering my site is new and a hobby). I use bbPress for forum on the latest WP edition. Iam also using Magazine Premium theme by bavotasan.com. Within a few minutes of completing setup of RSS aggregator I noticed that it was not working as promised. To keep things simple in the beginning I set the "post type" to Forum. The plugin imported all the feed items (some 150 of them!!) unto one single page - no pagination and all in full text. No way to display only the titles of items, and then have them clickable to the full text. I immediately submitted a support ticket. The various responses from Chirag and Mark from RSS Aggregator essentially blamed the problem on bbPress. I asked if there is another forum plugin that the RSS aggregator works well with but my question has not been answered. I then decided to try the page "post type" as defined in the documentation. I created a new page and inserted the shortcode [wp-rss-aggregator source="1728"] to display feed items from source ID 1728 on the page. I had also set the "post type" for ID 1728 to "page". 72 hours later the page continues to say "no feed items found" [NOTE: I have even added feed sources from NBA.com]. I contacted Chirag ad Mark and specifically asked why the page post type is not working. They have mysteriously refused to answer me despite asking over and over. This plugin has promise but there are some things to work out. bbPress is a popular WP add-on and if your plugin does not work well with it there is a problem. Moreover, the page post type is not dependent on theme, and yet it still does not import. It has been four days now and I have made a complaint with the very first hour of purchase. At this point i demand refund of my money or I will escalate to PayPal.