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Mailpoet 3 Beta is a nice plugin and works very well as far i i tested so long!
I decided to choose 3 Beta, because latest Mailpoet 2 Version had Problems with sending!
Html email was OK in broser preview, but on GMX Webclient an Outlook Client it looked like addidional chars where inserted or missing so in the middle of the text there came portions of pure html text!
I installed 3 Beta and all worked very fine – even the responsive output!
Now i come to my problem:
I want to test this plugin in more realistic situations. But therefore i have to get it work also with “only” editor role (lower permissions). I do not want to give my extra testing person admin rights!
So i looked at the Env.php and changed $required_permission = ‘manage_options’;
to ‘edit_other_post’ which is a permission at least editor-role
But this worked only for backend maken menu visible to editors.
When will t be possible to configure permissions?
For beta testing it would be OK, knowing where to change config files or php files like Env.php
thanks for response!
thanks for good job!!