Hi Kevin, we appreciate the feedback, however we feel it's important to clarify certain things mentioned above.
With regards to the issues you faced, we explained and sorted the majority of them out, as most of them seemed to be misunderstandings of the way certain features work. The issue with the debugging log not displaying the feed source is something that we could not reproduce, however as already noted in our email correspondence, our developers are looking into why this may be happening on other systems.
The issue of the old posts being re-imported was also explained, and our documentation goes into each of the solutions we listed. It's important to note that if a post is deleted (but not blacklisted), and at the next fetch it is still present in the RSS feed, then the plugin would naturally import the post again, as it is meant to do. The blacklist feature was in fact created to counter-act this.
As for the URL shortener settings, I was not personally aware of this issue (perhaps you brought it up with my colleagues earlier on), however we have not had issues with it with other clients. This is something that can be debugged if we are allowed to look further into it.
Lastly, your issues with cron were explained through our correspondence, and all we can do right now is to debug this further with a more clear setup. Hence, we requested to be able to test this issue with just WP RSS Aggregator installed to be able to eliminate any possibilities of plugin or theme conflicts. This can also be achieved through the creation of a staging site which we can then work on, in order not to touch your live site.
Since we were not given permission from your end to do such testing, we decided to offer you a refund, which we saw as fair considering the amount of time used up by both parties.
Should you wish to change your mind and allow us to run some tests on a clear setup, we will remain at your disposal via the premium support channels.