Replies: 1
Hi, I am trying to use Custom Map Styles option with no success.
(By the way – the url over the help instruction to the Styled Map Wizzard go to 404.)
I used current map style wizzard.
However it does not work.
My style is:
"featureType": "administrative",
"elementType": "labels.text.fill",
"stylers": [
"color": "#222222"
"weight": "1"
"featureType": "landscape",
"stylers": [
"color": "#ffffff"
"featureType": "landscape",
"elementType": "geometry.stroke",
"stylers": [
"color": "#dddddd"
"featureType": "poi",
"stylers": [
"visibility": "off"
"featureType": "poi.attraction",
"stylers": [
"hue": "#ff0000"
"saturation": "-100"
"lightness": "0"
"gamma": "3.00"
"visibility": "simplified"
"featureType": "",
"stylers": [
"hue": "#ff0000"
"saturation": "-100"
"lightness": "0"
"gamma": "3.00"
"visibility": "simplified"
"featureType": "road",
"stylers": [
"color": "#999999"
"featureType": "road",
"elementType": "labels.text.stroke",
"stylers": [
"color": "#ffffff"
"featureType": "transit",
"stylers": [
"visibility": "off"
"featureType": "water",
"stylers": [
"color": "#b3c8fb"
"lightness": "50"
"gamma": "1"
"visibility": "on"
API key is ok. No errors in console etc…
Should I do something else to make it work?
Thanks in advance for help.
Best for you.