Replies: 1
Hi Everyone,
I fancied playing about with Blockquotes on my site, however the boring grey colour that is set in my theme isnt really in setting with my blog.
I have had a good old search for custom CSS to overide this and I have successfully managed to find some code which changes the font colour:
blockquote p{
but I can not find any code that will change the “quote” mark colour before the blockquote.
So currently I have a blockquote with a Grey quotation and pink text, I am not after a box or background or horizontal line, just a pulled quote, no background with opening quote marks…and closing. I would really like to turn all of this to pink.
The page I am working on with the blockquote is not currently live, but my site is:
Secondly, the theme is set up to only have a quote mark at the start of the code, is there an extra code to get a closing quote mark at the end?