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I have to build a new webpage for a customer. I’m quite used to work with WordPress.
But now I have a problem, and I hope someone can give me a hint on how to solve it.
There are:
5 pages on different topics (as massage, coiffure, therapy, …)
8 members of the company
Each member has 1-3 topics associated (Person A works in massage and therapy, person B in therapy and XY)
On each page, I’d like to show a short portrait of every person associated (with a link to a full portrait)
And second, I’d like to have a page where all members are listed
What would be the best way to set up WordPress? My idea was to create a custom post type for “members” and link them to the topics by custom fields – but this seems to be quite complicated to maintain afterwards (new members, new topics, …)
How would you solve this problem?
Thanks for any help 🙂
Simon, Switzerland