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I was validating my RSS feed due to other problems and when using the W3C feed validator, a lot errors are coming up due to jpibfi class like this:
line 51, column 0: content:encoded should not contain data-jpibfi-url attribute (50 occurrences)
line 51, column 0: content:encoded should not contain data-jpibfi-description attribute
and line 51 look at this:
<content:encoded><![CDATA[<figure></figure><input class=”jpibfi” type=”hidden” data-jpibfi-url=”” data-jpibfi-description =”Solid Little Pallet Bench” ><div class=”ttr_start”></div><p style=”text-align: justify;”>Here’s an all-purpose, Solid Little Pallet Bench that could be used for construction to parties. This bench is a simple build and only cost about four dollars.</p>
Why there is jpibfi class in RSS feed? Is there a way to remove them to avoid such errors?
Thanks for your help,