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Hi again,
In the footer I want to add a disclaimer. It’s saying: website, credits for you, WordPress. Between website and your credits I added some code between the middots, but now the credits for WordPress aren’t showed?
Gr. Dennis
apply_filters( 'tc_copyright_link', sprintf( '· <span class="tc-copyright-text">© %1$s</span> <a href="%2$s" title="%3$s" rel="bookmark">%3$s</a>', esc_attr( date( 'Y' ) ), esc_url( home_url() ), esc_attr( get_bloginfo() ) ) ),
apply_filters( 'tc_credit_link', sprintf( '· <span class="tc-credit-text"></span> %1$s', '<a href="">Disclaimer</a>' ) ),
apply_filters( 'tc_credit_link', sprintf( '· <span class="tc-credits-text">Designed by</span> %1$s', '<a href="'.TC_WEBSITE.'">Press Customizr</a>' ) ),
apply_filters( 'tc_wp_powered', sprintf( '· <span class="tc-wp-powered-text">%1$s</span> <a class="icon-wordpress" target="_blank" href="" title="%2$s"></a> ·',