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Is this plugin compatible with WP All Import (to match the actual price is the csv file to the correct field) and with Elementor?
Looking forward to your reply.
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Is this plugin compatible with WP All Import (to match the actual price is the csv file to the correct field) and with Elementor?
Looking forward to your reply.
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Is this dynamic URL being created by List Category Posts?
If so, how do I stop these from being generated?
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Great little plugin
Replies: 1
Hi, I’ve made my custom post type ‘recipes’ hidden when users aren’t logged in, however it seems to have effected my search form. If I search for any term that I know exists in a recipe page (eg milkshake), the search results come up blank. It doesn’t even say no results found or anything, just a blank page.. Is there any way to show recipes on my search results even though they are hidden when users aren’t logged in? I only need people to login to see the single post
Hope you can help.. Many thanks
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I need help please with displaying the “home” breadcrumb. It is activated in settings > general > “add the home breadcrumb to the trail” but as you can see on the website it only says
> Big Boxes
but I want it to say
Home > Big Boxes
Edit: with “home” I mean that I want it to add the index-website at the beginning of the trail, so that if you click on ‘home’ in the trail you get back to
How can I do that?
Thanks a lot,
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Great plugin, works well, easy to use.
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Hi! I am creating a site with several subscription plans with PMS+PB and I want to use the Manual/Offline payment as a wire transfer for customers.
The subscriptions plans have 1 free option with possibility to upgrade to 3 more paid plans.
Registration forms are created with PB shortcode [wppb-register]
We are experiencing this problem: when a user register with a free account and after uses de the upgrade to a paid account, the admin is note receiving any notification (email) that alerts of this change, so we don’t know that this users wants to pay.
How can we send an email to admin after a user upgrades to a paid plan with Manual/Offline payment?
Thank you, best regards.
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Definitely the best one you can find. Works great, updates regular, what else could you ask for?
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hi there
I’m having a hard time finding the way to change the phrase “Billing address” in the emails that are generated after the order is placed. Any ways to do that?
I also use Russian version of that phrase and can’t change it or locate where it can be changed. It’s critical for me to change that phrase.
Thanks for your kind help
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I use free version but altough it’s free, it really increases the speed of site opening. Thanks Emre Vona, you have created a very successful plugin.
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Thank you for using my plugin! This forum is only for the free version of Simple File List. If you have a question or need help with an extension, please head over to my website.
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That’s a very useful feature. Just what the people need.
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Does what it says, very easy to use.
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Hi Ruter and WordPress lovers, thanks for the awesome plugin. Unfortunately, I do not know how to leverage browser caching for this.
I added the following code in my .htaccess file, but I still get warning on GTmetrix. Please help me out.
<IfModule mod_expires.c>
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresByType application/x-font-woff “access plus 1 month”
ExpiresByType application/x-font-woff2 “access plus 1 month”
ExpiresByType application/ “access plus 1 month”
ExpiresByType application/manifest+json “access plus 1 week”
ExpiresByType application/x-web-app-manifest+json “access plus 0 seconds”
ExpiresByType text/cache-manifest “access plus 0 seconds”
ExpiresDefault “access 2 days”
Thank you in advance
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Ho creato un campo aggiuntivo che i venditori devono indicare obbligatoriamente nella creazione del proprio negozio. Sono i Dati Fiscali che in Italia devono essere indicati sui siti che vendono prodotti. In questo caso vorremmo che sulla pagina del venditore raggiungibile con sitename/store/vendorsite vengano mostrati questi dati da qualche parte (ad esempio nella label informazioni o descrizione vendor che il pubblico può vedere). Come posso fare? Grazie
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I’m unable to show both price on products, including and excluding tax.
I try to go in “WooCommerce > Settings > Tax” and to modify the suffix by adding {price_excluding_tax} but it doesn’t work, nothing is displaying.
If i only put some text, its displaying, if i put some text and the tag {price_excluding_tax} nothing is displaying…
Thanks for your help
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Great plugin.
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5 stars as it works perfect and seems to be the best WP PWA Plugin.
But the promotion notifications in wp backend are too obtrusive.
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Easy for everyone to use!
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Hi, is it possible to tourn as catalog some products and not every products of the shop?
Thanks in advance, best regards