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This may be a solution for you if you have a very small shop, but with lots of articles and the wish to autoimport products or just stock&price this tends to get quite cumbersome in my opinion, also if you run a european shop with the need for additional info at the products that is required by law. Autimport via Cronjobs is a pain and even manual import works on one day and on another day you get constant “error 500″s from the web server (and the logs WP All Import generates are only semi-helpful at best).
The handling and the possibility to create mappings from an xml or csv file by drag&drop actually is a great feature, but that does not help if other bugs or shortcomings destroy these positive points and lead to way more effort and time than neccessary. Also there is no way to just duplicate import jobs in the admin backend, that should definitely be a feature, other job based plugins offer this and it really should not be too difficult to implement.
The documentation is quite lacking in many points, so you have to do a lot of trial and error or to ask the support.
Others say that the support is great, but I cannot confirm that. Answers take days and are often not helpful, sometimes it looks as if the supporter just wants to give a quick answer to get rid of the ticket. And if you need more information on the ticket or have further questions you probably again have to wait days.
I would recommend this as an import solution only to very minimalistic shops without the need of a lot of customization, because that leads to quite a lot of extra work. And so far we were not able to get automatic import running reliably after months of trial and error. More complex shops and those with a lot of products (let’s say more than 1000) need to know that this will take a lot of work to implement and that you may run into autoimport problems most probably. This even gets way more tedious if you need to import products in multiple languages as you then need to import the same file again and again for these languages.
On the other hand you will most probably not find another import plugin that is able to handle big file sizes or longer running times. I found none. But what does it help if you cannot get autoimport to work? From the UI and easy handling of mapping I would like to recommend this, but there are too many problems in other areas and we are now searching for another solution.