Open link from menu in new window
Replies: 0 Hi all 🙂 I build header in elementskit. I hawe two buttons in menu. And I have question. Is there option to open one of this buttons in new tab ?
View ArticleGreat plugin but large ads on the dashboard
Replies: 0 While this plugin has been very beneficial and I know they are improving it, adding rather large notification ads in 2.2.6 for other plugins that are completely unrelated on the dashboard...
View ArticleCount shortcode for review plugin
Replies: 0 Hello, Is it possible to create a shortcode for “review users” plugin which permit to count reviews (like messages and notifications already have). Regards.
View ArticleShortcode not working
Replies: 0 Hi SIr, I am using the sliders in Elementor add section.. I placed 5 divs & each div , I placed shortcodes.. But only 2shortcodes are working,… Only two shortcodes will work at a time....
View Articletop searches
Replies: 0 On the Jetpack Dashboard page, there is a headding called “Top Searches. Is there a description of what this is and where the stat(s) comes from? A user of the website is asking. Thanks...
View Articlehow to change width of the logo showcase
Replies: 0 Hi, I can’t find how to change the logo showcase width, do i need to change somehome CSS? greetings
View ArticleBuggy and cumbersone
Replies: 0 This may be a solution for you if you have a very small shop, but with lots of articles and the wish to autoimport products or just stock&price this tends to get quite cumbersome in my...
View ArticleBest support for theme on market
Replies: 0 Team is great. Theme can be clunky and hard to setup, however anything custom, they’ll sort it for you. 30min response time with code, samples and advice. Literally all you could ask form....
View ArticleEssential Plugin for SEO
Replies: 0 Admin Columns makes keeping track of essential meta info simple, works as advertised, does what it says.
View ArticleLanguages list to add
Replies: 0 Hello, Would it be possible for you to add these language/country codes please: -> en-sa for English (Saudi Arabia) -> en-sy for English (Syria) -> en-ye for English (Yemen) Thank...
View Articleusers editing their own reservations
Replies: 0 Hi there, I’d presumed that “edit reservations” in the licensing description section of your buy page meant that a user could edit or delete their own reservations but I can’t find where...
View ArticleQuiz not working on the host environment
Replies: 0 I am using Quiz Tool Lite Version 2.3.14. Unfortunately, I encountered problems and none of my quiz are working. Though everything, including quiz is working perfectly on the localhost. I...
View ArticleDisplay the plugin functional for other user groups
Replies: 0 Hello. Need help! How to display the plugin functional for other user groups (roles) in the admin panel? Now the plugin menu is visible only to the administrator =( This topic was modified...
View ArticleManque la tare du colis vide
Replies: 0 Bonjour, Il manque dans les settings du plugin une variable ou saisir le poids à vide du carton. Tous mes produits comportent un poids dans woocommerce mais au moment de générer...
View ArticleFeature Request: Woocommerce Abandoned Cart
Replies: 0 I’d love to not have to dig through Woocommerce logs looking for the abandoned_cart.success event to fire. Adding a Notification for it would be excellent. (I tried to post this as an Issue...
View ArticleLeírás megjelenítése fizetési opcióknál
Replies: 0 Sziasztok, Nem találom az opciót, ahol elrejti / megjeleníti a Beállításoknál megadott “Leírás” mező értékét. A forrást megnézve látom, hogy van rajta egy style=”display:none;”. Hol, mit...
View Articleexport to pdf
Replies: 0 Hello, i would like to export a row in a table to pdf. Is that possible?
View ArticleCORS Error
Replies: 0 With bKash popup, we are getting following error: Access to XMLHttpRequest at ‘’ from origin...
View ArticleEdit the sending email address
Replies: 0 Hi, Love the plugin. I have successfully created a custom email template and it sent out just fine when I imported some test users, but I want to edit/change the sending address. Currently...
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